The young girls Kate and Echo chase after their illusions. When one of them discovers true life, their friendship is…
Greener Grass | A Short Film by Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe
In this dark comedy of manners, soccer moms Jill and Lisa seek the approval of their “friends” – at all…
Trailer Plattform Sweden
Das neue Verleihprogramm „Plattform Sweden“ versammelt sechs exzellente Kurzfilme aus Schweden. Wettbewerbsbeiträge von den Festivals in Berlin, Cannes und Toronto…
The soul of business | A Short Film by José Roberto Torero
A modern couple from a typical advertisement: young, attractive, and brand-conscious. As they use the products on their breakfast table…
Mammal | A Short Film by Astrid Rieger
Through original, mythological like images this film presents us with with the symbiotic relationship of a mother an son. The…
Container Tetris – IKFF2016
Die Lärmschutzwand für das 32. Int. KurzFilmFestival Hamburg 2016 wird aufgebaut. Feiert ausgelassen mit uns, vom 31. Mai – 6.…
Kids Might Fly | A Short Film by Alex Taylor
A young homeless girl is taken into care. Set in an urban wilderness, this film is an offbeat and touching…
Linear Dreams | A Short Film by Richard Reeves
Images from the mind’s eye, music from the mind’s ear – a stream of consciousness journey, produced by drawing and…
8cht | Ein Kurzfilm von Charly Stadler und Fred G. Eger
Ein Mann ruft bei einer Telefonseelsorge an. Er hat das Gas aufgedreht und will Selbstmord begehen, aber er ist dazu…
Russian Choir | A Short Film by Sebastian Fischer
Four voices and four indviduals. A praise of the bravery and fearlessness of the cossacks who made Napoleon and his…
X – A Short Film by Raphael Wahl
An astronaut loses his uniqueness and has to find his real self among several copies of himself. The story is…
Hamburg International ShortFilmFestival 2015 Trailer
All credit goes to: Steffen Goldkamp, Paul Spengemann, Dodo Voelkel. Sound by Nika Breithaupt More to see from June 9th…
Fowl Play | A Short Film by Jim Lacy and Daniel Haude
Click to activate the subtitles Somewhere in Hamburg´s red-light district in a seedy bar on the Reeperbahn, a vulture protection…
Panel: „Continue – Repetition and Variation: The Serial Principle“
This Panel took place during the 30th Hamburg International Short Film Festival. It focuses on the topic of series within…
Der Fussballfan | Ein Kurzfilm von Stefan Möckel
„Für den Fußball würd‘ ich alles geben“. Eine Ode an den Fussball. I would give everything for football. An ode…
Doppelpass | Ein Kurzfilm von Stefan Möckel
Fußballlehre – Fußballleere? Eine Erläuterung zum Doppelpass. Abonniere den Kanal für weitere Kurzfilme: – – – – – –…
Behind the Scenes: Hamburg International Short Film Festival 2014
The team of the 30th edition of the Hamburg International Short Film Festival 2014 gives you some glimpses behind the…
Fatih Akin’s Birthday Greetings
Fatih Akin wishes the Hamburg International ShortFilmFestival a happy 30th anniversary!
Hamburg International Short Film Festival 30th birthday with Friends
Thanks to Simon Ellis and his „Friends“ for their congratulations to our 30th birthday! NO COPYRIGHT INFRIDGEMENT INTENDED, ALL VIDEO…
The Cactus | A Short Film by Franz Winzentsen
Click to activate the subtitles A family of musicians living somewhere in the mountains of Southern Germany discover that every…
Check in at Peace Ave N° 7: KFA
Get ready for a tour through the labyrinth of KurzFilmAgentur.
What Does Home mean?
Is it possible to describe home before having an idea of the concept? An eight-year old child talks about home.…
Staplerfahrer Klaus – Der erste Arbeitstag | Ein Kurzfilm von Jörg Wagner & Stefan Prehn
Klaus ist frischgebackener Besitzer eines Führerscheins für Gabelstapler. Sein erster Arbeitstag wird jedoch erst zur wahren Prüfung. Es geschehen grausige,…