They steal handbags, open cars and have no respect for humans. The last baboons of the Table Mountain region have…
Tracing the Gobi Bear, One of the World’s Rarest Animals
It was believed to be a mythical creature, a desert yeti. Hardly anyone ever met a Gobi bear. Extremely shy,…
Marine Mammals: Champions of the Deep
Beneath the surface of the ocean exists an incredibly hostile world – an icy world immersed in eternal darkness where…
The Nature of Mothers | The Beast Within Us | Documentary
Maternal instinct is a universal phenomenon, responsible in many ways for the incredible success of human beings as a species.…
Wild African Cats: How Do These Intelligent Predators Manage to Survive?
From the savannah to the desert, from virgin forests to Mediterranean islands, wild cats are everywhere thanks to conservation initiatives.…
Face to Face with a Polar Bear | Wildlife Documentary
In a remote fjord in Spitzberg, filmmaker Jerome BOUVIER spent a year following the incredible destiny of a polar bear…
Giant Sea Serpent, Meet the Myth | 4K Documentary
This incredible discovery provides a new understanding of the behavior of the Giant Oarfish, and a chance to observe this…
Animated short film about self-discovery | „Pawo“ – by Antje Heyn
“PAWO” is the magical adventure of a little toy figure, who finds herself in a curious world. Thanks to some…
Leopard Seals, Lords of the Ice | Documentary
Amidst the pristine but freezing waters surrounding the white continent, a unique insight into the mysterious daily lives of Leopard…
Why is Wildlife Filmmaking so Dangerous? | Subtitled Documentary
We only know about wildlife documentaries the beautiful, moving and surprising images on our screens. Behind the mirror, there are…
The father of the camels | Lords of the Animals | Subtitled
In the Thar desert in India, Punmaran, a cameleer, guides his 250 camels in the heart of the desert, used…
Octopus VS. Crabs
Offshore Brazil, a population of common octopus has learned to benefit from the receding tide to catch their favorite prey.…
Seagulls defy XXL waves
These Atlantic waves are the largest waves in the world- but young seagulls brave the turmoil to find preys stunned…
The Pig and the Black Truffles – The Lords of the Animals
In the heart of France, Gaston has been raising truffle pigs since the age of 12, transmitted by his grandmother.…
Tiger Shark: The Ocean Scavengers | Wildlife Documentary
One of the largest, scary-looking sharks to dominate the marine world, Tiger Sharks are great predators and scavengers. 00:00 Summary…
The Legend of the Otter Man – The Lords of the Animals
In the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, Bao’s family has always had otters. With the arrival of the war, the otters…
He dances for his cormorants – The Lords of the Animals
In China, Zongman has a dozen cormorants that fish for him, obey his voice, and follow him wherever he goes.…
Animals Like Us – Animal Play
As children we learn more about life through playing games than we do in any other way. It is the…
The father of the camels – Lords of the Animals
In the Thar desert in India, Punmaran, a cameleer, guides his 250 camels in the heart of the desert, used…
The Tsaatan ride the reindeer – Lords of the Animals
In the Saïan Mountains, in Mongolia, live men and women who raise reindeer, the Tsaatan. Bat is part of the…
The Lord of the Eagles – The Lords of the Animals
On the border between China and Kazakhstan, lives the Kazakh people, including Alik, eagle trainer. Director: Frédéric Fougea
Animals Like Us – Animal Emotions
For many years, scientists thought that animals were incapable of having emotions; they were merely living robots – biological machines…
Leopard Seals: Lords of the Ice
00:00 Who are these ferocious predators of the Antarctic continent that kill each year thousands of penguins and leave some…
Animals Like Us – Animal Medecine
00:00 Like us, animals are exposed to parasites, bacteria and viruses – the germs which cause disease. How do they…
Animals Like Us – Animal Adoption
00:00 Altruism, an act that bestows a benefit on the recipient while conferring a cost to the actor, is one…
Animals Like Us – Animal Culture
In the 1950s, rhesus macaques living on the island of Koshima in Japan started to wash the sweet potatoes researchers…
Animals Like Us – Animal Politics
Man is not the only social animal. At the beginning of 2001, Franz de Waal published his work on a…
The Extraordinary Life Around a Tree
The plains of the Masaï Mara in Kenya, a dominant male, twenty submissive females, two warring brothers, a tree of…
The Monkey Player – Lords of the Animals
Deva and her three monkeys, Shankar, Gori and Illama travel from village to village in deep India, performing to entertain…
The Pelican of Ramzan the Red – The Lords of the Animals
On the shores of Lake Manchar, a fishing community has been passionate about birds for more than 5,000 years, for…
The Sky Gatherers – The Lords of the Animals
In the forests that line the shores of Lake Maninjao in Indonesia, millions of coconut trees grow. Burhan, the master…
The prince of the Sloughis – The Lords of the Animals
00:00 In the province of Safi in Morocco, Hossein adopted Jnah, a Sloughi which is his only weapon. For a…
New Britain’s volcanoes, the rage of the earth
On the volcanic island of New Britain off Papua, a handful of animals have learned to live to the rhythm…
ESCAPE FROM CANNIBAL FARM 🎬 Full Horror Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2021
🔴 Title: ESCAPE FROM CANNIBAL FARM 🔴 Summary: A family heads out on a camping trip, which is cut short…
Killer Whales シャチの生き方 (Japanese audio)
クロゼ諸島の火山群を取り巻く氷の海での4年間の射撃中に、私たちは若い女性の思春期のシャチであるデルフィーヌの試練と苦難を追跡しました 彼女は家族グループの中で生活し、成長し、彼女はベアリングを見つける方法、キングペンギンまたはミンククジラを狩る方法、そして海象を捕まえるために立ち往生する方法を次第に学びます。初めて、ダイバーはこれらの素晴らしい捕食者の隣で泳いで、ユニークなショットの素晴らしいコレクションを持ち帰りました。是非、クロゼ諸島とその議論の余地のないマスターの世界に参加してください。 今日まで、この映画は、ユニークな環境でシャチをフィーチャーした唯一の1時間の純粋なブルーチップです。相当するものはなく、専用の撮影クルーが敵対的な環境でそのような長い時間を費やして、冷たい冷たい海でダイビングをしながら、シャチがミンククジラを食べ、遠く離れた小屋で1年間過ごします。海岸を訪れる動物、またはシャチが狩猟をしている間、獲物の間でダイビングするために命を危険にさらす動物。 Director : Bertrand Loyer- Follow us on social media : Facebook :
Bio-luminescent marine animal; from the depths of the darkest oceans
Incredibly strange bio-luminescent marine animals, from the depths of the darkest oceans Director : François De Riberolles Follow us on…
Orca swims too close to shore and gets beached
This killer whale swims too close to shore, and has to find a way to free herself, on the Crozet…
Marine mammals – Sea leopard, 海洋哺乳類-海ヒョウ (Subtitles 字幕日本語)
With the killer whale, the sea leopard is the only great predator of the Antarctic Ocean. Each year, at the…
The nesting and incubation of emperor penguins
While the female emperor penguins go feasting for 2 months, the male emperor penguins incubate their eggs in the coldest…
Deadliest Journeys – Panama, River Tuira
Those who are seeking a new life in the US must contend with impenetrable jungle and guerrilla forces as they…
Chinstrap penguins first swim
Chick chinstrap penguins learn to swim in seal infested waters. Watch the full documentary :Penguin Baywatch (Wildlife Documentary) Producers :…
Many mother penguins will not survive and return to their nest.
While the male gentoo penguin protect the nest and their eggs, the female gentoo penguin is risking it all while…
Sperm Whale Vs giant squid
Sperm whale Vs giant squid: clash of the titans revealed Director : Bertrand LOYER – Follow us on social media…
Kelp Massage for Killer Whales
This is how Orcas chill out, with a Seaweed Massage Director : Bertrand LOYER – Follow us on social media…
See inside a Killer Whale
Thanks to CGI we can see inside an Orca with X-ray vision: Skeletal, Endocrine & Muscular systems Director : Bertrand…
NEW PREHISTORY – Eomaia – the very first mammal – Jurassic World – Dinosaurs world
Eomaia („dawn mother“) is a genus of extinct fossil mammals containing the single species Eomaia scansoria, discovered in rocks that…
Incredible footage of orcas eating a minke whale
Incredible never before seen footage of orcas scavenging a minke whale carcass. Director : Bertrand LOYER – Follow us on…
Sperm whales 360° 4K
Swim with sperm whales 360° – Move your phone to look around underwater, or simply use your finger to scroll…
LEOPARD SEAL’S SHAR – Wild Life Documentary
With the killer whale, the sea leopard is the only great predator of the Antarctic Ocean. Each year, at the…
Baby giraffe high-risk birth
A rare moment in a zoo, the birth of a giraffe. This baby giraffe who, after 15 months of gestation,…
Animals Like Us – Animal Culture
In the 1950s, rhesus macaques living on the island of Koshima in Japan started to wash the sweet potatoes researchers…
Animals Like Us – Animal Business
«Give me this, I will give you that». This universal definition of trade finds an equivalent in nature in a…
Animals Like Us – Animal Language
Author(s) : Bertrand Loyer, Keebe Kennedy Director(s) : Keebe Kennedy An Indonesian legend claims that monkeys can speak but they…
Animals Like Us – Animal Emotions
The study of animal behavior leaves little room for emotional-related explanations. Feelings in animals tend to be presented as functional…
Monitor Lizard vs Croc
Full documentary here ‚Conflicts Of Nature : Conflicts In A River Documentary)) – Follow us on social media :…
Scavengers : The Savannah Cleaners
Footage from documentary : Scavengers of the Savannah – English full documentary here : – Documental español :…
Conflicts of Nature : Conflicts in a Pond – Wildlife Documentary
This is the unusual story of a little-known insect : the water beetle. Having spent the winter beneath the ice,…
Sperm Whales Dealing : With The Unexpected – Wildlife Documentary
Around the Crozet Islands, here is the incredible odyssey of a family of Sperm Whales facing rapid changes in their…
Conflicts of Nature : Conflicts in the Jungle (Wildlife Documentary)
In the Amazon jungle of French Guyana, a young jaguar is preparing to become master of the forest. His reign…
Weißstorch | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Weißstorch lebt in Eurasien in offenen Landschaften. Er ernährt sich von Fischen, Fröschen, Mäusen, Würmern und Insekten. Der Vogel…
Seelöwe | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Seelöwen gehören als Wasserraubtiere zu den Ohrenrobben. Sie sind im Vergleich zu Seehunden, welche zu den Hundsrobben zählen, auch am…
Bucharahirsch | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Bucharahirsch lebt in Turkestan und Afghanistan in Uferlaubwäldern und Halbwüsten. Der Paarhufer ernährt sich von Laub, Gräsern und Kräutern.…
Waschbär | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Waschbär lebt in Nordamerika und seit 1945 auch in Europa. Vornehmlich in Mischwäldern mit Altbaumbeständen in Wassernähe. Die Nahrung…
Kodiakbär | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Kodiakbär, seinen Namen hat der aufgerichtet bis zu 3 Meter große Braunbär von den Kodiakinseln auf denen er lebt.…
Grizzly | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Grizzly gehört zu den Braunbären. Er lebt in der Prärie und an Waldrändern. Wie alle Großbären der gemäßigten Breiten…
Malaienbär | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Malaienbär lebt in Südostasien in tropischen und subtropischen Regenwäldern, er erreicht ein Höchstalter von 35 Jahren und ein Körpergewicht…
Schimpanse | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Die Schimpansen sind unsere engsten Verwandten. Nur 1,6 % unseres genetischen Materials, der sogenannten DNA, unterscheiden uns von unseren Cousins.…
Pavian | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Paviane leben in Afrika, südlich der Sahara. Der Name Pavian leitet sich wohl vom altfranzösischen Babouin ab, was Lippe oder…
Rote Varis | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Rote Varis, die zu den Lemuren, übersetzt Nachtgeister zählen, kommen nur auf Madagaskar vor. Durch ihr sehr dichtes Haarkleid werden…
Marabu | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Marabu gehört zur Familie der Störche. Mit einer Körperlänge von 1,40 Meter und einer Flügelspannweite von 3 Metern gehört…
Flamingos | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Flamingos: Diese eleganten Vögel, deren Kennzeichen die langen, dünnen Beine und der gekrümmte Seihschnabel sind, leben in großen Ansammlungen an…
Pelikan | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Pelikane die größten flugfähigen Vögel Afrikas haben einen Grund eine große Klappe zu riskieren. Um an Land und auf dem…
Amerikanischer Bison | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Der Amerikanische Bison, auch Büffel genannt, lebt in Nordamerika in der Prärie. Er wird bis zu 100 kg schwer und…
Elenantilope | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Die Elenantilope ist mit ihrer Körperlänge von 2 bis 3 Metern und einer Schulterhöhe von bis zu 1,70 Meter die…
Erdmännchen | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Die niedlichen Erdmännchen gehören zu der Familie der Schleichkatzen. Man finden sie im offenen Gelände, vorzugsweise in den Trockensavannen Südafrikas.…
Elefant | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Elefanten sind die größten noch lebenden Landtiere unserer Erde. Ein Kalb wiegt bis zu 100 kg bei der Geburt. Ein…
Flusspferd | Unsere Tierwelt (Kurze Tierdokumentation)
Das Flusspferd ist in Afrika südlich der Sahara zuhause. Die Bezeichnung Nilpferd lässt sich auf die ersten entdeckten Exemplare am…
WHEN ANIMALS DREAM | Trailer Deutsch German [HD]
Offizieller When Animals Dream Trailer German Deutsch 2014 HD | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: Når dyrene drømmer) Movie #Trailer…