For more than four years Vladimir Putin has sponsored a special program for the young, a patriotic education. He has authorised the spending of millions of Euros every year to help finance 70 camps all around Russia. Jukovski is a small town about 50 kilometers from Moscow in the middle of the countryside.. This is the base for Kaskad which organises the military camps for young boys. About thirty children, aged between 10 and 15, are going to spend here their summer holidays. Their parents paid 8 euros for the month-long camp, all expenses included. The price means that even families of modest means can afford to send their children. The average middle class income in Russia is 200 euros a month. Most of these kids only know the army through television and video games. But in the camp, they are about to discover the joys of military life. Because these camps are not a game. At 18, all these children will make their military service. An obligatory military service in Russia and which lasts two years. Two years during which they could found themselves in first line as Chetchnia. Like their instructors, all veterans of war: Afghanistan, Chetchnia. Every year in Russia 12,000 boys like these are trained to defend their country. –
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